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Masters Final Update - Rory will learn a lot from that last round


And just like that that the first M7 of the year has gone. For 96 of us, it was a familiar feeling of abject failure but not for Darren 'Little Plum' Robinson who stormed to the top of the leaderboard at end of round 3 and didn't let it go. He takes the prize (S$5000) with a very decent 36 points with 4 players in the top 10.

In 2nd place with 52 was Braydon 'Bend it Like' Barcham who picks up S$2800 for his trouble. 'Bend it Like' was sat in 35th at the end of round 2 so did well to get back into contention. With 3 out of the same 5 as 'Little Plum' it was Power that let him down really and stopped him from challenging further on the final day.

And in 3rd just 7 points behind 2nd was Chris 'COK' O'Keefe he will be ruing Hovland as his pick in Cat 1 (who with 27 points didn't even count in his top 5). A pick of Smith, Thomas, Johnson, or Morikawa would have seen him take 2nd and if he had gone with Scheffler then he would have tied 1st. You could say he COK'd it up! Easy to say now, but he wont be too disappointed with S$1600

Best of the rest goes to Jim 'Steve' McMahon with 129 points which is a nice score with only 4 through. He will be wondering what could have been and cursing Woodland, Koepka and Harman. He picks up S$600 for his trouble

Special mention to Richard 'Porridge' Holloway for holding up the rest of the m7 table with 305 points. Truly awful!

See you all in just over a month for the PGA

Reminder: All payments will be made at the end of the m7 season

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