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M7 - US Open - Final Standings and a new M7 record


The end of yet another great M7 and I certainly didn't see so much movement coming in the final round

The biggest movers making a difference were Fleetwood (+33 places), Rahm (+28), Matsuyama (-20), Kim SW (-19) and Finau (-17)

Fleetwood's move in particular was crucial and it propelled Todd 'Ronald' McDonald to the top of the leaderboard with a RECORD BREAKING 23 points. Todd was 3rd going into the final round and Fleetwood was not counting towards his 5. With Hatton (who was in his 5) losing 7 places on the final day, it was only because of Fleetwood that he was able to take the win with all 5 golfers inside the top 10 and 4 inside the top 5. S$5000 on it's way to you at the end of the season! Todd also moves up to 10th on the hall of fame

Darren 'Wedge' Heal also had all 5 inside the top 10 but finished 5 points back in 2nd place with 28 points. Once again Fleetwood's move meant he could 'discard' 17th place Koepka from his best 5 and saw 'Wedge' jump from 21st going into the last round. Not a bad way to earn S$2800 to add to his tied 1st at Augusta this year

Then there was a 4 way tie for 3rd with long time leader Bill 'You're 'avin a' Lafferrandre III, Stephen 'The Pig' Farmer, newbie Kieran 'KPop' Davies and Simon 'Toasty' French sharing S$1600 between them (only 2 of them actually had the same 5). Spare a thought for Bill who had ALL 7 of his golfers in the top 20 and still finished tied 3rd. Some outstanding picking!

Final top 10 looked like this:

Dave 'Mmmbop' Hanson another newbie this year also has Fleetwood to thank for him taking BOTR with 130 points. He actually takes home more than those who finished tied 3rd - S$600

Will 'Boris' Buck with the wooden spoon on 336

Well played to all. We had 25 players with scores under 50

Reminder all prizes are approximate and will be after costs are deducted. All paid at end of M7 season

We will see you in a month in Liverpool for THE Open

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